How to get a confirmed tee time for Senior Club Play


Published October 7, 2021



Seniors play on Monday and Wednesday morning. The procedure for getting a confirmed tee time is slightly different for Mondays and Wednesdays.


On Monday morning, in the clubhouse, there is a corkboard with sign-up sheets for the upcoming three Monday play dates. Many players have a ‘default’ tee time assignments on these sheets. Those who play less frequently do not have a default time.


Players need to confirm their intent to play in their default spot by initialing that spot. They can confirm for one, two, or for all three weeks of play. If a player knows they will not play on a particular date, they are to scratch out their name; that spot becomes empty, available for others to use.


For the upcoming week sheet only, if someone has not confirmed by initialling their spot, it becomes open, available for others to use.


Any club member can add or move their name into any open tee time spot on these sheets. However, for the signup sheets 2 or 3 weeks ahead, if a name is there but not yet confirmed, it is not open. That club member may confirm for those future weeks later.


The results of the signup sheet will be posted on our website late on Tuesday for all to see, with a link in the left-hand column. The website can be reached at using any web browser. 


The sheet posted to our website Tuesday evening will be turned into the clubhouse Wednesday morning.


THIS IS IMPORTANT: the ONLY way to change the tee time sheet is to call the clubhouse starting Wednesday morning 7:30am. The tee sheet in the clubhouse is the only correct tee time sheet.


Note that the tee times posted to our website may not be correct, because a name may have added, deleted, or moved on the clubhouse copy. The clubhouse copy is the only verified ‘correct’ copy.


If a club member does not have a default spot on the tee time sheet and wants to play, they can do so in person on Monday by adding their name to the sign-up sheet in the clubhouse. Another option is to check the website after 7:30a Wednesday, see what spots may be open, then call the clubhouse to have their name inserted in an open spot.




A tee time sheet for Wednesday is turned into the clubhouse the previous Wednesday.


There are a default set of players with assigned groups and times for Wednesday. The tee sheet given to the clubhouse on a previous Wednesday will have all default player names, unless a default player has informed the tee time manager that he will miss. I that case, his name will be removed from the tee sheet given to the clubhouse.


If a club member name is on the list and they will not be playing on a particular Wednesday, they need to call the clubhouse and have their name scratched off the tee sheet, to make that spot available for others to occupy.


Any club member can add, delete, or move their name to an available slot by calling the clubhouse. Once the Wednesday tee sheet is in the clubhouse, it is the ‘master’ sheet for that date and can only be changed by calling the clubhouse.


Note that Wednesdays are more casual, with several open slots built into the schedule, so members who want to join us occasionally can do so. Even if a member just shows up without being on the Wednesday tee sheet in the clubhouse, there is a high probability there will be room to play.